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Exclusion of Consequential Damages: This means that if there is any damage or loss caused by using the product or service, the company will not be responsible for any indirect or consequential damages, such as lost profits or revenue.

Maximum Liability Cap: This means that the company’s liability is limited to a certain amount of money. For example, if the product or service cost $100, the maximum amount of liability the company would have is $100.

Disclaimers of Warranties: This means that the company is not providing any guarantees or promises about the product or service. They are simply selling it “as is.”

Indemnification: This means that the customer is responsible for any damages or losses that may occur as a result of using the product or service, and they may be required to compensate the company for any losses it incurs.

Force Majeure: This means that the company will not be responsible for any damages or losses caused by events beyond their control, such as natural disasters or war.